Dog Microchipping

Dog Microchipping - FAQs 1

Allison Baird, DVM
Pine Hollow Veterinary Services

What does it mean to have my dog microchipped?

A microchip is a very small implant, about the size of a grain of rice, that we insert under the skin in your dog's shoulder blades. It relays a radio frequency tagged to a number. This number, when registered with the owner's information, allows us to contact the owner if the dog is ever lost. By scanning the microchip, we can get the number and call the owner right away.

Can a microchip be used to track my dog?

Unfortunately, today's microchips are not used for tracking purposes. They lack GPS capabilities, so you can't use an app to track your dog. While there are collars available with such features, the microchips we use in clinics do not have these capabilities.

How is a microchip used to identify my dog?

We use a needle to inject the tiny microchip, about the size of a grain of rice, under the dog's skin. This microchip produces a radio frequency that can be paired with the owner's information, aiding in identification.

What does a microchip recovery process look like in the event my dog is lost?

The recovery process is straightforward. When a stray animal is found or brought into the shelter, we use a microchip reader to scan for the chip. The reader displays the number, which we can enter into our database to retrieve the owner's contact information and promptly call them to collect their pet.

Why do veterinarians recommend that I get my dog microchipped?

We recommend microchipping for several reasons. Dogs can get scared during thunderstorms, fireworks, or traumatic events and might run away. If they are caught by someone and have a microchip, reuniting them with their owners is an easy process. Without a microchip, it would take much longer, involving shelters, social media, or flyers. Typically, with a microchip, we can return a dog to its owner within 24 hours.

What if I forget or lose my dog's microchip information?

It's not a major issue if you forget or lose your dog's microchip information. We can always scan the dog to retrieve the number and look up your information, provided the microchip is registered. The most important part is registering the microchip, as we can easily find your details in the database using the microchip number.

If you have any other questions, please give us a call at (814) 756-4441. You can also email us at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as we are able. Don't forget to follow us on social media: Facebook and Instagram