Senior Care

Senior+careOur senior pets require a bit more specialized attention as they gracefully age. At the age of 7, our friends move into the geriatric stage of life and things begin to change. Bringing your senior pet in twice a year will increase our chances of detecting illnesses at their early stages, which may improve treatment options. We offer in-house blood work, nutritional and supplement counseling, radiology, and a variety of other services to help our seniors stay happy and healthy.

During a senior pet examination, we will: 

  • Ask questions about changes in your pet's behavior and activity 
  • Examine your pet from head to tail, looking for common senior problems like joint pain, dental disease, lumps, and cataracts 
  • Compare notes to previous exams to detect subtle changes you may not notice at home 
  • Perform laboratory testing 
  • Educate you about your pet's health 

Some common health problems that your pet may experience as they age include: 

  • Heart disease 
  • Kidney or urinary tract disease 
  • Liver disease 
  • Diabetes 
  • Joint or bone disease 
  • Overweight or obesity 
  • Vision or hearing loss

Diagnostic Testing that we will recommend:

  • For older dogs, additional wellness screening tests may include chest or abdominal radiographs (X-rays) to assess the size and appearance of the internal organs (such as the heart, lungs, kidneys, and liver), or radiographs of the skeletal system to look for degenerative changes in the bones or joints.
  • A senior profile is a combination of tests that will help us determine potential issues commonly found within senior pets. A senior profile can include a CBC (Complete Blood Count), Chemistry, and Urinalysis.
  • Parasite screening is still important for pets at any age

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