Dental Services

Dental+ServicesDental health is one of the most overlooked preventive measures we can take for our pets. Like us, dental disease can lead to a variety of other health issues, such as heart, kidney, and liver disease. By 3 years of age, most dogs and cats already have evidence of periodontal disease. The staff at Pine Hollow Veterinary Services decided to take action, and we created an affordable dental cleaning package to make it easier to provide the quality care our pets deserve. If your pet has bad breath, there may be an underlying issue.   Please Contact Us to book a dental consultation!
Brushing your Pet’s Teeth: Brushing your pet's teeth regularly is important for their oral health and can help prevent serious health issues. 

  • Plaque, a bacterial film that coats teeth, can harden into tartar in just a few days. If left unbrushed, plaque and tartar buildup can lead to periodontal disease, which can cause inflamed gums, bone loss, tooth loss, and receding gums. 
  • Bacteria can enter your pet's bloodstream through receding gums, potentially leading to infections and sepsis. The bacteria in dental disease can also affect your pet's whole body, especially their heart, lungs, kidneys, and liver.

Starting while your friend is young and adding this step into their training is key to keeping a healthy mouth and fresh-smelling breath.  Brushing your pet’s teeth should take no more than 30 seconds per day. Seeing your pet’s teeth every day allows you to note the signs and symptoms of dental disease. The more you do it, the more they like it, and the easier (and cheaper) dental care will be in the long run.

Dental chews/additives: There are several benefits to giving a dental chew or food additive daily to your pet.

  • Dental chews and additives help reduce plaque and tartar. The texture and chewing motion of dental chews brushes against their teeth as your pet chews, which can reduce plaque buildup by up to 70%. This can help prevent tartar from forming, which may even reduce the risk of tooth loss.
  • Dental chews can also massage gums and reduce inflammation. Chewing on the dental chews can keep dogs engaged and occupied, which is beneficial for puppies or pets who get stressed easily. Chewing can release chemicals in the brain that trigger the release of happy hormones, which can help dogs feel calmer and more relaxed during periods of anxiety or stress.
  • A bonus is your furry friends will have fresh breath all the time!

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